Dr. Pulkit is now available at Haspatal App.

Dr. Pulkit is a senior doctor in the department of Geriatric Medicine having over 12 years of expertise and is also a Ayurveda consultant.
What is Geriatric Medicine?
Geriatric medicine, often known as geriatrics, is a medical specialty that focuses on the care of the elderly. Its mission is to promote the health of the elderly by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities. Geriatric physicians are doctors who specialise in the care of the elderly, sometimes known as geriatricians. There is no set age at which a geriatrician or geriatric physician can visit a patient.
What does a Geriatrician do and when should you visit one?
The Geriatric Department’s mission is to maintain the physical and mental health of the elderly population. This part provides the skills necessary to perform all sorts of comprehensive geriatric examinations for older patients, putting caregivers and family members at ease. The objective of the Department is to improve the health of the elderly by treating and preventing disabilities and diseases. Geriatricians are experts in diagnosing and managing the specialised healthcare requirements of the elderly, and they work closely with nutritionists, occupational therapists, speech and hearing specialists, physiotherapists, and mental counsellors or psychiatrists. Geriatricians are trained to manage a variety of chronic illnesses as well as other issues that arise with age, such as falls, incontinence, and memory loss. While there is no set age for seeing a geriatrician, the bulk of them treat people in their sixties and seventies.
What can you expect from a Geriatrician visit?
As previously said, a Geriatrician is a doctor that specialises in the care and well-being of the elderly. There are a few important things that one may expect from their Geriatrician that validates their presence and importance to those in need.
Be aware that you will be heard. When you or a loved one sees a geriatric physician, you can expect the doctor to set aside time to listen to your concerns. This is a good thing, because the patient should be included in any discussion about his or her therapy. Communication is essential in every relationship, and the patient-doctor connection is no exception. You may anticipate someone who is familiar with geriatric demands and situations. Expect someone who understands the needs and issues that the elderly face. A geriatric doctor is significantly more aware of the difficulties that afflict this age group due to the population he or she encounters. Expect to be treated with kindness and respect. Anyone seeing a doctor should expect these two things, but they should be expected much more so as you go into your sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties. You’ve experienced a lot in your life, both good and terrible, and have been through a lot. You are deserving of a great deal of praise and appreciation.
How to consult Dr. Pulkit?
Dr. Pulkit is a board-certified geriatrician who is now accessible for video consultations via the Haspatal App. Patients may now consult him from the convenience of their own homes by using the Haspatal App to schedule a video consultation through quick access code 91- D – 000 000 65 or an in-clinic visit.