Haspatal Program joins hands with Rayat - Bahra University to hire fresh graduates in India through Industrial Resource Centers of Eminent Physicians

Haspatal Program is pleased to announce a tie-up with Rayat-Bahra University through Eminent Physicians Industrial Resource Centers program. Under this tie-up, students and fresh graduates from the leading Rayat – Bahra University will be provided placements and Industrial Training exposure by working together on live projects of Haspatal Program.
Ms Sadaf Khan, the Human Resources manager at Haspatal Program, informed that Haspatal program is looking forward to provide employment to over 700 fresh graduates from leading Indian universities exclusively through Industrial Centers Program of Eminent Physicians, who will be working with Indian and global remote healthcare experts to make the life easier for the patients.
Sha said , “We value our partnership with Eminent Physicians Industrial Resource Centers Program as the most important source for hiring talented young Indians by providing them an opportunity to exhibit and prove their skills under leadership of our experts
“ Haspatal Program is emerging to be the leading remote healthcare program providing an easy access to all healthcare services like Online doctor consultations, Appointment Bookings, Diagnostic tests , imaging, therapies, counseling, home care services, Haspatal admissions, home delivery of medicine and almost all other services from a single integrated platform” told Ms Radhika Gulati, the project coordinator for Haspatal program.
With an ambitious of helping 1 crore patients, Haspatal Program is being introduced across India to establish it as the largest online consultation and remote healthcare platform in India.