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How bone cancer can affect your health?

Bone Cancer


Osteosarcoma can occur in any bone in the body but most commonly affects the pelvis or the long bones of the arms and legs. Osteosarcoma is rare and accounts for less than 1 percent of all cancers. Noncancerous bone tumors are much more common than cancerous bone tumors.


The term “bone cancer” does not include cancer that starts elsewhere in the body and metastasizes to the bone. Instead, these cancers are named after where they began, such as breast cancer that has spread to the bones.





You may not be aware of the symptoms of a bone tumor, with or without cancer. If you look at an X-ray of another problem, such as a sprain, your doctor can find it. However, symptoms may include the following pains:

  • In the tumor area
  • dull or painful
  • deteriorate with activity
  • wake up at night






Treatment options for osteosarcoma depend on the type of cancer, cancer stage, overall health, and preferences. Different bone cancers respond to other treatments, and your doctor will show you the best way to treat cancer. For example, some bone cancers are treated with surgery alone. Some involve surgery and chemotherapy. Some include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.


Operational treatment


The surgery aims to remove the entire cancerous tumor. In most cases, this involves a unique technique to remove the tumor in one piece, along with a small portion of healthy tissue surrounding the tumor. The surgeon replaces the lost bone with bone from another part of your body, material from a bone bank, or bone made of metal and hard plastic.


Bone cancer that is very large or in a complex area of ​​bone may require surgery (amputation) to remove all or part of the limb. With the development of other treatments, amputation is becoming less common. If amputation is required, you may be trained to wear prosthetics and learn how to use your new limbs to perform daily tasks.


Chemical treatment


Chemotherapy kills cancer cells using powerful anticancer drugs, usually given intravenously (intravenously). However, this type of treatment is more effective for certain types of osteosarcoma than other forms. For example, chemotherapy is usually not very practical for chondrosarcoma but is an integral part of the treatment for osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma.

Osteosarcoma is a rare type of bone cancer that typically affects the long bones in the body, such as those in the arms and legs. The most common affected areas are the femur (thigh), tibia (shin), and humerus (upper arm) bones. Read more about it on Verywellhealth 

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