How does the winter affect your skin?
The horny layer of the skin is reduced by cold temperatures, and the visual results are comparable to dry skin. The effects of cold weather on the skin are severe. Dry air is produced by cold temperatures and low humidity levels, which pulls moisture away from the skin. Winter winds and dry inside heat can aggravate the condition, causing cracked and bleeding skin. During these cold, dry months, skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis may flare up. Summer heat causes your skin to produce more oil, whereas cold weather has the opposite effect. Let’s understand more about how does the winter affect your skin in detail.
Low temperatures are accompanied by lower humidity outside and indoors, as well as dry environments caused by heating and fires. Irritation and inflammation can be caused by temperature fluctuations, as well as wind and other external stressors.
The cold, on the other hand, has an effect on skin microcirculation. When the temperature drops below freezing, the capillaries in the skin contract, reducing blood flow through the skin. It aids in maintaining body temperature, and following exposure, the capillaries will return to normal. Despite this, changes in skin microcirculation might result in facial redness, telangiectasia, or spider angioma.
These are the skin conditions caused by winter or low temperature:
o Psoriasis is commonly treated with phototherapy and spending time in the sun. An accumulation of skin cells generates scaly, elevated patches as a result of the disorder. Psoriasis can also cause tiny, red bumps that cover different parts of the body in addition to the patches. Reduced exposure to sunshine can contribute significantly to the condition’s increasing severity throughout the winter months.
o Eczema is a skin ailment that causes red, itchy, and rough skin. It is frequently irritating and inconvenient.
These are some of the winter skin care routine for dry skin:
Gentle, brief washes should be used to clean your skin. The water should always be warm, but temperature fluctuations should be avoided because they can create spider veins and vasodilation due to changes in venous caliber. A moisturizing cream that absorbs the water that enters through your skin’s open pores for longer-lasting hydration.
Incorporate hydration into your skincare routine. In the winter, you can use a heavier day cream, add a moisturizing serum to your routine, or use a moisturizing mask more frequently.
Use hot water and soap only as needed. If you experience “winter itch,” use a non-irritating, non-detergent-based cleanser and take short lukewarm showers or baths. Apply a thick cream or petroleum jelly-type moisturizer as soon as possible following. Pat the skin dry with a soft cloth.
Protect your skin from the sun throughout the winter months, as the sun can be harmful to your skin. Sunscreen should be worn even in the cold. Overexposure to the sun can cause premature skin ageing and skin cancer.
Humidify. The moisture in your skin can be drained by dry air. Humidifiers in the room can be really beneficial.