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How does weight loss work?

When we think about reducing weight, we assume we’ll be losing fat, but it’s far more difficult than that because not all weight loss is necessarily fat loss.So,actually how does weight loss work. In an ideal world, the body would simply burn fat, we would lose belly fat, and it would be simple to maintain a fit appearance. Regrettably, this is not the case.

Your weight is governed by the rate at which you store energy from food and the rate at which you utilise this energy to keep your body running. Remember that when your body breaks down fat, each fat cell shrinks, but the total number of fat cells remains constant.

What is the process by which fat is stored in our bodies?


When we consume sugars and carbohydrates, our bodies convert them into glucose, which is the most easily oxidised fuel by our cells. If we consume too many calories, our bodies convert the excess glucose into fatty acids and store them in adipose tissue for later use. Excess amino acids from protein can be turned into fatty acids as well.

Fat cells continue to expand as long as there is excess energy from meals in our bloodstream, regardless of form. This process of dealing with excess carbs in the blood and inhibiting fat breakdown is governed by a hormone signalling system that includes insulin as a major signal. Following a meal, elevated blood sugar causes insulin to be released, instructing fat cells to hang onto their energy stores while instructing muscle and other tissues to absorb and burn the glucose first.

How does weight loss happen and how weight loss work in losing weight?


Weight reduction occurs when you consistently consume less calories than you burn each day.

Weight gain occurs when you continually consume more calories than you burn.

Any calorie-containing food or beverage you consume counts toward your total calorie consumption.However, the quantity of calories you burn each day, also known as energy or calorie expenditure, is a bit more complicated.

You keep your body weight stable if the number of calories you consume equals the number of calories you burn.

If you want to lose weight, you must generate a negative calorie balance by ingesting fewer calories than you burn or burning more calories through greater exercise.

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