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How to stay hygienic during pregnancy?

When you’re pregnant, your body undergoes a variety of changes, some of which are beneficial and others which are not. Another issue that occurs as a result of this dynamism is hygiene, which has an impact on your immunity. Low immunity puts you at a higher risk of developing infections and diseases, which is something you want to avoid during pregnancy at all costs. During pregnancy, poor health can lead to an underweight baby, preterm birth, or even miscarriage.

Preventing infections, keeping you comfortable, and making you feel more refreshed are all benefits of good hygiene throughout pregnancy. Hormone fluctuations during pregnancy can lead to:

  • Perspiration has increased.
  • Discharge from the cervix
  • Skin that is dry and scaly

These are some of the ways, how to stay hygienic during pregnancy?

  • During their pregnancies, different women have different experiences, and some women develop breast leaks. The colostrum, or first milk, is largely responsible for this. Wear cotton underwear and wipe away, not rubbing, as rubbing might harm the nipple’s delicate skin.
  • Due to hormonal changes, your skin sweats more than usual during pregnancy, increasing your chances of contracting skin infections. Additionally, as a woman’s pregnancy progresses, she gains weight, resulting in multiple folds in her body. Chemical products should be avoided during pregnancy since the skin is more sensitive and can occasionally create an excessive allergic reaction, which becomes a big issue.
  • Wearing only pure cotton undergarments and avoiding overly tight trousers or pants to ensure air circulation between your clothing and skin is important for preserving personal cleanliness because pregnant women have increased vaginal discharge, which can encourage bacterial growth. It can cause ‘bacterial vaginal infection,’ which can create issues for the mother and be passed on to the baby during delivery if left untreated.
  • Increased oestrogen levels can induce swelling and sensitivity in gum tissues, making dental hygiene even more critical during pregnancy. The pregnant lady should brush and floss her teeth regularly, whether she uses a dental stick or a toothbrush and toothpaste.

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