Thomson Medicals Velur opens their medicines for online delivery through the Haspatal App

Haspatal Online Consultation App helps Thomson Medicals Velur to make things easier for patients in their region – Thalapilly by accepting orders online.
The owner of Thomson Medicals Velur has said, “With great pleasure, we are announcing that we have tied up with the Haspatal Consultation App for online services in our area to sell the medicines online. This App is designed to help in the process of ordering and delivering medicines. Our patients in our region can now order medicine on the Haspatal Mobile App and get it delivered at minimal rates.”
“Our priority is to provide excellent services to our patients. With the help of the Haspatal Remote Healthcare Program, we plan to extend our services to a wider network of patients throughout the service area. After testing the app personally, Thomson Medicals Velur has reached the conclusion that it is user-friendly and reliable. We are dedicated to take our services to the next level with the help of the Haspatal Remote Healthcare Program.” he said.
“Selling of the medicines online has already begun and is the future of the Indian Healthcare System. By placing a high accolade on our cases, we deliver cutting-edge services and we wish to continue to do so and succeed everyday by connecting to all patients with the Haspatal Remote Healthcare Program” said Radhika Gulati, program coordinator for the Haspatal Program in India.
Team Haspatal welcomes Thomson Medicals Velur on joining with them to help over one crore patients across India with the integration of impeccable healthcare services and delivery with a goal to make patients life easier through innovative innovations.
Absal Manooryl, Director Operations for Haspatal Program in India, extends his gratitude towards Thomson Medicals Velur for joining this endeavor to deliver better care to people in need.
Patients can now order directly from Thomson Medicals Velur at Thalapilly using the Quick Access Code 91P0000607 for cash-on-delivery medicine supplies in minutes.