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How bags under eyes can affect your eyes? Haspatal online consultation app

How bags under eyes can affect your eyes? Haspatal online consultation app

It is often thought that bears are caused by fatigue and lack of sleep. It can be a cause, but there are other reasons for bears under the eyes, such as allergies and the natural aging process.

Dark circles under the eyes may appear purple or blue to dark brown or black, depending on the color of the skin.

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How autism can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

How autism can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

Autism is also called a disorder of autism spectrum (ASD) is a complex state that includes communications and behavior. It contains a wide range of symptoms and skills. ASD may be minor problems and failures that should always pay attention to a small facility. People with autism have problems with communication. There is a problem to understand that others feel that other people feel. It makes it difficult for them to express their words or gestures, facial expressions, and touch.

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How atelectasis can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

How atelectasis can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

Atelectasis is a condition of the lungs that occurs when a small sac at or at the end of the airways does not expand properly during respiration. The lungs are where the body takes in oxygen and excretes carbon dioxide. When inhaled, the air enters the trachea or trachea. The trachea is divided into two channels called bronchi, with each bronchus going to the lungs.

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