Everything You Need to know about Migraine.
Migraine Is A Serious Disease That Is Growing In the Number Of Patients These Days. Migraine is the most common disabling brain disorder.
Migraine Is A Serious Disease That Is Growing In the Number Of Patients These Days. Migraine is the most common disabling brain disorder.
ACL injuries are ruptures or sprains of the anterior cruciate ligament. It is one of the strong tissue bands that helps to connect the femur (femur) to the tibia (shin). ACL damage most commonly occurs during sports that include sudden stops, turns, jumps, and landings such as soccer, basketball, soccer, and downhill skiing. Symptoms of …
Actinic keratosis is a rough, scaly spot or ridge on the skin. It is very common and many people have it. They are caused by ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin. Some can develop into squamous cell carcinoma. For this reason, lesions are often referred to as precancerous. They are not life-threatening. However, if detected …