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Sudha Pharma tie up with Haspatal App to improve health care facilities.

Sudha Pharma tie up with Haspatal App to improve health care facilities.

Sudha Pharma tie up with Haspatal App to improve health care facilities Sudha Pharma takes a new stride forward in health services by adopting Haspatal App  Sayooj, the owner of Sudha Pharma has said “Patients nowadays prefer to obtain their medications online, but many are concerned about the quality and delivery time when doing so. We

Sudha Pharma tie up with Haspatal App to improve health care facilities. Read More »

Laksmi Drug House takes a new step in patient care by joining Haspatal App.

Laksmi Drug House takes a new step in patient care by joining Haspatal App.

Laksmi Drug House takes a new step in patient care by joining Haspatal App. Laksmi Drug House, a well known pharmacy in Calicut, Kerala has joined the Haspatal App to make patients’ lives easier in its service region.  Sivaraman, the owner of Laksmi Drug House has said :”Our patients in the Laksmi Drug House service area can now

Laksmi Drug House takes a new step in patient care by joining Haspatal App. Read More »

How anti social personality disorder can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

How antisocial personality disorder can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app.

Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called social disorder, is a mental disorder in which a person always ignores the good and the bad and ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality disorder tend to be hostile, manipulate, and treat others seriously or indifferently.

How antisocial personality disorder can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app. Read More »

How chagas disease can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app

How chagas disease can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app.

Chagas disease is an inflammatory infection caused by the Trypanosoma parasite. This parasite is found in the feces of the triatomine (reduviid) beetle. This error is also known as a “kiss error”. Chagas disease is common in South America, Central America, and Mexico, the main habitat for the Triatomine beetle.

How chagas disease can affect your health? Haspatal online consultation app. Read More »